Denali Montessori PTSA is an advocate for excellence in public eduction. We enthusiastically support cultivating peace in our schools and in our community. We aim to support our whole community – students, staff and families – and believe that in doing so, our children will be ready to learn and ready to make a difference in our school, city and world.

Contact the Anchorage School District
Contact your Federal, State and Local Representatives
Contact the Anchorage Assembly
Are your registered to Vote? Are you prepared to vote?
Anchorage School Board elections are part of the municipal elections on April 6, 2021. YOu can find the candidates running at Alaska Children’s Trust (a business partner of the Alaska PTA) There are several community groups hosting candidate forums and debates too. We encourage you to look into which candidates represent your concerns best.
Issues that matter to us:
School Funding
We know that budgets are tight. But we also are passionate that the last place to balance budget short-falls on our children’s futures – and their access to education and the quality of that education will drive their future prospects.
Class Sizes
Class size matters. A lot. When classes start creeping up in the numbers of students – the individualized attention each child gets decreases. This affects academics and behavior. We know that no to kids are the same – a fact embraced by the Montessori curriculum. But when a teacher is managing 25-30 students ranging across 3 grades it just doesn’t work.
Further, as class sizes are increased- supports from Teacher Assistants, counselors and other resource/special education staff is even more critical. All teachers matter – not just the primary classroom teacher.
Classroom Materials
Kids are more likely to engage in and enjoy learning when they have appealing and educational materials.
As a Montessori public school, nearly all of the materials critical to the Montessori curriculum come from private fundraising through the PTSA. The Anchorage School District provides little funding for these. Its on us.
Its more than Academics
The Social and Emotional Learning is critical. Much of the early grades is just learning how to be a good person, a good classmate and then eventually a good student. The Montessori Peace Curriculum is a major component of this learning at Denali.
We know that a child needs to be well-supported to be ready to learn. They need supported..
- by their home community and school community;
- by their family and friends;
- by the good health and nutrition;
- by exercising their growing (wiggly) bodies;
- by classmates who become friends; and
- by teachers who become mentors.
(more to be added)
This page is a work in progress. Tell us at what matters to you at Denali Montessori/
National Concerns
Denali PTSA is part of the National PTA. You can check out their positions on issues that matter to education here: